13 Jonte & Billiod/Peter Jonte Brewery (1831-1855)

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Jonte & Billiod/Peter Jonte Brewery  (1831-1855)

French cousins Peter (Pierre) Jonte and Friederick Billiods started their small brewery at the SE corner of Sycamore and Abigail (12th Street) brewing ale and porter.

By 1835, Billiods left to open his own brewery on Hamilton Rd (McMicken), and Jonte operated the original site as the Peter Jonte Brewery from 1835-1855 before eventually returning to France.

Jonte also ran the Covington (KY) Brewery at 6th & Scott Streets 1837-1845.

The Peter Jonte Brewery was possibly the first Cincinnati brewery to offer bottled beer. This 10″ black glass ale bottle holds 700 ml and weighs just over 2 pounds empty and 3.5 pounds full; a full 6-pack would have you hauling a hefty 21 pounds!

Peter Jonte Brewery location on 1841 Cincinnati map
Peter Jonte Brewery location on 1841 Cincinnati map

Brewer Location

This cut-out view from Doolittle and Munson’s 1841 map of Cincinnati shows the Jonte brewery (map legend “O” meant breweries) at the SE corner of Sycamore & Abigail with Duck Creek running through the property. Jonte may have originally used the creek as a water source for the brewery.