"In 1867 Jacob Elsas and Issac Strauss bought the old Rohs Brewery from Nicholas and Magdalena Hertle. The new partners called their business the Clifton Brewery. In 1868 they sold one third of their business and property to Maier Triest. The address of their Brewery was Rohs Hill. It was in the middle of what is now Chickasaw Street before any streets save McMicken existed in this area.
In 1869 Elsas bought out Strauss, but the brewery was failing. Luckily Elsas was very successful in his other ventures. He sold the entire brewery with the surrounding land encompassing 3.29 acres that year to John H.F.C. Meyer, John B. Hagel, and John Henry Thamann for $52,500. Elsas held the mortgage. As part of the transaction, Meyer sold his land in Sharonville to Elsas. Hagel sold him his brewery in the Reading, Ohio area.
They failed to make the Clifton Brewery a success and Elsas took over the property again. In 1873 he leased it to Henry Schwanke. Then in 1885 he leased it to Louis Lienhart. He called his brewery the Rohs Hill Brewing Company. In 1886 Elsas let him out of the lease. In 1888 the brewery was razed to make way for the Jacob Elsas Subdivision. The land was gradually sold as house lots." Cincinnati Breweries, Robert J. Wimberg (1997)